Aht Spine Health and Treatment Centre 自1996年以來一直在脊柱和疼痛領域提供輔助藥物治療。它致力於通過世界各地的行之有效的治療方法盡快治愈頸椎病、腰椎病等疾病。 來自擁有35年臨床經驗的專科醫生,非手術腰椎間盤突出症、頸椎間盤突出症、脊柱側彎和其他脊柱相關疾病也為患者提供醫療福利。 在我們的診所,使用脊骨療法、LOU'S 手法療法羅氏正骨法、針灸
1963 He was born in KASHGAR, In 1979, he won URUMQI Xin Jiang University Faculty of Medicine and studied modern and traditional medicine for 6 years. He graduated in 1985, earned his specialization in the general surgery department of the training hospital of the same university. He worked as a general surgeon from 1985 to 1991.
Read moreWith hernias in the spine; The main goal of treatment is to provide patients with a drug-free, non-surgical, permanent recovery and improve their quality of life.
Issues such as obtaining the patient's consent and confidentiality of information about the patient (privacy) are also important for any intervention to the patient.
The principle of justice requires a person to benefit from the social and economic opportunities of the country fairly. In this context, it supports people to receive a fair share of health services.
The primary duty of the physician is to be of medical benefit to the patient. It can be in the form of absolute benefit, which includes one of the situations of preventing harm or increasing goodness.
Brief information about certain diseases of the spine and joints
Aht Spine Health and Treatment Centre 自1996年以來一直在脊柱和疼痛領域提供輔助藥物治療。它致力於通過世界各地的行之有效的治療方法盡快治愈頸椎病、腰椎病等疾病。 來自擁有35年臨床經驗的專科醫生,非手術腰椎間盤突出症、頸椎間盤突出症、脊柱側彎和其他脊柱相關疾病也為患者提供醫療福利。 在我們的診所,使用脊骨療法、LOU'S 手法療法羅氏正骨法、針灸
他出生於 Kashgar。 1979年畢業於烏魯木齊新疆醫學院,學習現代醫學和傳統醫學6年。 1985年畢業,在同校教學醫院普外科取得專科。 他在 1985 年至 1991 年間擔任普通外科醫生。 1992年,他在伊斯坦布爾大學Cerrahpaşa醫院普外科工作。 1995 年,T.C.成為了公民。 他通過等效於所學醫學院所有課程的YÖK特殊考試,獲得了高等教育委員會和衛生部頒…
All the services that are being applied are reliable treatments that have proven themselves in the medical arena and have a scientific basis.
Be aware of the printed and visual media about health and lifestyle, published in Turkey or around the world.