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Herniated Disc

It is a disease that we encounter frequently in people above the age of 0, but it is now possible to come across it in people who are considered young age group recently. Formation of lumbar hernia; Inactivity, Posture disorders, Accident, Living conditions etc. are the main reasons. The formation of hernia can be a very simple reason (heavy lifting) or it can be a long-term load on the spine and discs. However, the patient’s symptoms appear suddenly for a very simple reason (Sneezing, Heavy lifting, Sitting up, Sudden movement, and even while brushing teeth…). Information from clinical trials; We observe that patients with hernia and spine problems (waist curvature, lumbar shift, lumbar lordosis flattening) experience more intense pain, the discomfort does not go away when drugs and other treatments are applied, and even if surgery is performed, the pain does not disappear. Another opinion is; “Irregularities in the spine and its joints, changes in the structure of the spine (mechanical disorders such as axis deviation, curvature of the spine) can be the main cause of hernia in the spine”. Atlas bone (C1), Chest (T1), Lumbar (L4-5) and Hip bone play an important role in the structure of the entire spine, and the defects that occur in this region affect the installation of other spines. Although the spines are made up of independent parts, they move by communicating with each other. If there is an irregularity in the spine and joints (neck hernia, scoliosis) other than the lumbar spine, it affects the lumbar spine and facilitates the slippage of them from their axis and the formation of hernia in the spine. Since the main cause of the hernia is not corrected when surgery is performed, the hernia consisting of spinal axis shift (offset) and spinal curvature (scoliosis) is at a high risk of recurrence of hernia and pain, and sometimes treatments fail. The history of the disease (anamnesis) is taken, the stage of the disease should be determined by examination (neurological) and other examinations, but sometimes this may not be enough. Therefore, X-Ray Film, MRI may be required.